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Sapphire Meaning:


The BLUE SAPPHIRE belongs to the THROAT Chakra and is said to assist with the following physical ailments:


  • Thyroid

  • Nervous System

  • Blood Disorders

  • Dementia

  • Degenerative Diseases

  • Ear Infections

  • Hearing, Eyesight and Eye Infections

  • Fevers

  • Swollen Glands

  • Nausea

  • Speech and Communication


Emotionally it can help to release spiritual and emotional blockages, allowing you to express your true self and needs and open to love.

How to Cleanse and Clean Sapphire


As a hard gemstone, Sapphire can be easily cleansed most ways, but the darker coloured sapphires might fade if left in direct sunlight for an extended period of time.


Therefore, leaving sapphire in direct moonlight on the night of the full moon is a very effective cleansing and recharging ritual. You can cleanse sapphire in spring water or hold the crystal under a running tap while visualising the energies overbalancing.


Cleansing with reiki is also a useful method.


To physically clean your sapphire, you can use warm soapy water and a soft cloth.

Throat Chakra

Location: The region of the throat, jaw, neck, mouth, and thyroid
Colour: Blue
Element: Ether (Space)
Signs of balance: Authentic expression comes easily and naturally
Signs of imbalance: Difficulty tuning into the true self, the urge to hide opinions and desires from yourself and others, gossiping, dominating conversations, difficulty listening to others, neck pain, hormone fluctuation (relating to the thyroid)


The throat chakra corresponds to the element of ether: space that forms the essence of emptiness. Our true selves exist in the space between the clutter of constant thoughts and emotions through meditation. In the calmness, we find the subtle element of ether and reconnect to the throat chakra.


When the throat chakra is in balance, we speak, listen, and express ourselves openly and authentically. When out of balance, we ignore our inner voice, feel afraid of expressing ourselves, or have trouble listening to others. A blocked throat chakra can also store tension physically and cause a sore throat or neck and shoulder pain.





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