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Amazonite Meaning:


Called the stone of courage, AMAZONITE is named after the semi-mythical 10th Century BC Amazon women warriors because it was said to adorn their shields. Amazonite belongs to the THROAT and HEART Chakras and is said to assist with the following physical ailments:


  • Breast Problems

  • Passages of the Throat

  • Thyroid Gland

  • Nerve and Neurological Connections

  • Upper Spine

  • Recovery after Illness

  • Maintain Health and a Healthy Lifestyle


Emotionally it can help increase self respect especially in women, reduces tendencies to self neglect, directs free-floating anger and irritability into positive action.

Throat Chakra

Location: The region of the throat, jaw, neck, mouth, and thyroid
Colour: Blue
Element: Ether (Space)
Signs of balance: Authentic expression comes easily and naturally
Signs of imbalance: Difficulty tuning into the true self, the urge to hide opinions and desires from yourself and others, gossiping, dominating conversations, difficulty listening to others, neck pain, hormone fluctuation (relating to the thyroid)


The throat chakra corresponds to the element of ether: space that forms the essence of emptiness. Our true selves exist in the space between the clutter of constant thoughts and emotions through meditation. In the calmness, we find the subtle element of ether and reconnect to the throat chakra.


When the throat chakra is in balance, we speak, listen, and express ourselves openly and authentically. When out of balance, we ignore our inner voice, feel afraid of expressing ourselves, or have trouble listening to others. A blocked throat chakra can also store tension physically and cause a sore throat or neck and shoulder pain.

Heart Chakra


Name in Sanskrit: Anahata - meaning unhurt
Location: Centre of the chest
Colour: Green
Element: Air
Signs of balance: The ability to love and forgive yourself and others
Signs of imbalance: Hatred, selfishness, jealousy, and fear of betrayal


Meaning “unhurt” in Sanskrit, the Anahata or heart chakra refers to a place where no hurt exists. When the heart chakra is in balance, we feel a free flow of love and compassion. Those who feel hurt from the past live with a blocked heart chakra and come from places of pain, fear, and distrust of themselves and others.

How to Cleanse and Clean Amazonite


Amazonite should be cleaned every week to keep it at its maximum potential. You can do this by running the stone under warm water and drying it in the sun for about an hour. Keeping some mint near or on the gemstone will also help recharge amazonite


To physically clean your amazonite, you can use warm soapy water and a soft cloth.

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